Effect of untreated hearing loss in Adults and children 

Many difficulties arise from hearing loss. Speech recognition issues are the most common complaints, particularly in challenging settings. Reduced capacity to swiftly and accurately detect, recognize, and localise sounds may be a symptom of other types of disabilities. These noises could be birdsong, music, or warning or alarm signals. Individuals with hearing losses and those in their surroundings, such as family members and coworkers, are impacted by communicative disabilities. People with hearing loss aren’t always aware of all the effects of their disability or what they are missing. 

According to several studies, neglected hearing loss can be linked to a lower quality of life, isolation from society, and a sense of exclusion, all of which improve the likelihood of depressive symptoms. These results highlight the value of early identification of hearing loss and the provision of rehabilitation therapies, which typically include the fitting of hearing aids.

Significance of Untreated Hearing Loss for Adults

Ignoring hearing loss symptoms lowers a person’s quality of life and risks their freedom. Withdrawal from social events, family, and friends is frequently the result of an inability to comprehend and interact with them. Furthermore, adults who have not received hearing loss treatment depend on others to help them with daily chores where hearing is necessary for communication.

A person with hearing issues may experience social retreat due to their incapacity to communicate, which can lead to worry and melancholy. Still, there are also negative effects of untreated hearing loss on mental health. A correlation with cognitive decline is one of the most dangerous potential mental health problems.

According to a 2012 Johns Hopkins study, those with untreated hearing loss have a 50% higher chance of acquiring dementia and a 40% higher risk of having depression.
Untreated hearing loss in adults is another major factor driving up healthcare expenditures. According to a different 2018 study at Johns Hopkins, balance and other problems with inner ear function result in more frequent and longer hospital stays, as well as more admissions and ER visits. Over the past decade, these costs have increased by an average of roughly 46%, or $22,434 per person.

Adults hearing loss

Significances of Untreated Hearing Loss for Children

While young adults and children are also affected by hearing loss, older adults account for the majority of cases. 46 million of the 466 million people diagnosed with hearing loss globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), are children. Untreated hearing problems cause far more serious repercussions for children than it does for adults.

The same problems with anxiety and sadness, a deterioration in independence and quality of life, and cognitive impairment can also affect children. Even worse, kids with ear loss causes typically have trouble learning languages and forming social skills. Poor scholastic achievement and speech difficulties result from not growing in this area. Children will suffer from these effects for the rest of their lives.

How to Handle a Suspect Hearing Loss

It’s imperative to get assistance as soon as possible, whether you think an adult or child may be experiencing hearing loss. Audiologists can offer the best remedies before situations worsen by diagnosing and treating the health effects of hearing loss early on. The first step in getting the assistance required to stop hearing loss from getting worse is to schedule a hearing assessment. An audiologist is equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to diagnose, manage, and prevent further harm from occurring to a patient with hearing loss.


Kirtikar Sound UP is committed to averting the expensive repercussions of untreated hearing loss by cochlear implant. As audiologists, our team advises anybody who thinks they or a loved one may be suffering from many types of hearing loss to schedule a hearing evaluation as soon as possible rather than waiting to find out.  In Pune, India, we offer top-notch hearing care to people of all ages. Make an appointment for a hearing or Tinnitus test or get more information from us about how we can stop the damage caused by hearing loss.


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